Ulcerative Colitis
Follow along on our year-long guide to Ulcerative Colitis, exploring the latest recommendations and research on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this chronic, inflammatory bowel disease. Each month will delve into another aspect, including warning signs, symptoms, and risks; management of diarrhea, pain, bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, fever, and long-term complications; medications and surgery; special concerns about the disease in children; types, and distinguishing ulcerative colitis from irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and other GI ailments; emotional, psychosocial, and reproductive/sexual health concerns; comorbidities; self-care related to diet, exercise, behavioral interventions, and overall well-being to live with the disease; promising treatments in the pipeline; unique case studies -- all of which has undergone expert review. Every installment will include a downloadable, printable information resource for patients.
UC: Understanding the Epidemiology and Pathophysiology
–Ulcerative colitis is one of the most common chronic autoimmune conditions in Western countries
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: What Is Ulcerative Colitis?
UC: Symptoms, Exams, Diagnosis
–What to look for and how to look
UC: How and Why Does It Arise?
–A closer look at pathogenesis and risk factors
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: UC--Why Me?
Case Study: Sudden Debilitating Fatigue, Difficulty Breathing in Man With Ulcerative Colitis
–Rare extra-intestinal manifestation of the disease or to its treatment?
UC: Initial Treatments and Response Monitoring
–Here's what the guidelines say
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: Starting Drug Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis
UC: Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions
–Managing ulcerative colitis involves more than drugs
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: Diet and Lifestyle Considerations
Ulcerative Colitis: Second-Line Treatments
–Next steps when patients do not obtain remission or lose it after initial therapy
Case Study: Acute Flare-Up of Ulcerative Colitis After 20 Years Leads to Tragic Results
–Thorough history and examination can help avoid this complication of viral infection
Ulcerative Colitis: Helping Patients Live With Chronic Disease
–Managing patients' physical symptoms is only part of the story
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: Living With Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis: When Surgery Must Be Considered
–An alternative when drugs and behavioral approaches fail
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: Would Surgery Help My Ulcerative Colitis?
Ulcerative Colitis: Understanding and Identifying the Long-Term Complications
–Colorectal cancer extra-intestinal complications to consider
Ulcerative Colitis: What's on the Horizon?
–A look at new treatments in development
Patient Handout
For Your Patients: Future Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis