
AMA Punts on Background Checks for Gun Purchases

— House refers decision on request to join anti-gun violence coalition


CHICAGO -- The American Medical Association (AMA) considered, debated, and then decided to pass when asked to join 36 other medical groups in an initiative intended to curb firearm-related injuries.

At issue Monday at the AMA annual meeting was a proposal to have the AMA endorse a call for universal criminal background checks for all gun purchases -- even those between family members and friends.

The American College of Physicians (ACP) is the leader of the "call to action," and it was ACP delegate of Arkansas, who asked the AMA's House of Delegates to approve the background check amendment in place of an AMA board of trustees' report that also recommended background checks, but in less specific language.

The amendment wouldn't reduce gun violence but would complicate lives for gun owners, argued , a delegate from Muskogee, Okla.

"I have my carry permit and use guns for sport. My patients give me weapons in appreciation of my services, and my wife gave me a rifle for Christmas," he said.

None of those people should be subject to criminal background checks, Gregory argued.

, a retired general surgeon from Maine and a former AMA president who is regarded as an elder statesman, said his state was a hotbed of gun sales -- many of them illegal -- and he stated that it was time for the AMA to "take a stand on background checks."

McAfee's remarks drew a smattering of applause, but the delegates overwhelmingly signaled their unwillingness to take that action and instead referred the entire issue to the board of trustees.

The House did, however, approve a resolution that asked the AMA to promote gun safety information and to reach out to all sources -- including the -- for gun safety information that can be shared with the nation's physicians.

That resolution was approved over the objections of some physicians, who pointed to the NRA's efforts to block physicians from discussing guns with patients.

"In five states, the NRA is working to stifle physicians' ability to talk gun safety with patients -- a violation of First Amendment rights," said , from the Massachusetts delegation.