
Pulling a Lazarus


It's been a solid two weeks since I posted for real on the blog.  It took a little restraint at first; every stray thought I had seemed like the perfect topic for a blog post.   Eventually I was able to free my mind from the thrall of my cybernetic overlords.  Also, I skied.   It was a nice time -- family, presents, fine wine, and the enduring joy of repeatedly digging four-wheel-drive vehicles out of snowbanks.   I hope you also had nice holidays. 

Now I'm back in the harness and will get back to you with some real medical posts soon enough.  For the moment, I will throw in my $0.02 on a debate regarding the role of Mid-level providers (MLPs) in the ED, specifically NP's and PA's.   Scalpel has made his point in spades, , , , and , while Ten out of Ten has provided a counter-point , and Happy the Hospitalist chimed in .

Disclaimer -- I am not an expert in licensing requirements, liability, or reimbursement other than in my particular state.  Also, there is variability in both the MD and MLP populations -- I've known PAs who were exceptional clinicians, and MDs who were, we joked, "licensed to kill."  And vice versa.   Your mileage may vary.  I'm not interested in a "PA's suck!" "No, doctors suck!" argument.   Having said that, I will dive in:

What is a PA or NP?  First of all, it's important to understand that in most states, they are "Licensed Independent Providers," which means that they are qualified to examine and treat patients and bill for their services without direct physician oversight.   PAs generally need a nominal supervising physician, and state laws vary as to how close the supervision need be.  In our state, the doc must be physically on the premises except in critical access locations.  NPs have less restrictive requirements.   Both NP and PA training programs are highly competitive, and in most cases will accept only applicants with significant healthcare experience (the consequence is that the MLP ranks are full of former nurses, paramedics, and corpsmen).   The training can be as little as 2  to 4 years (not counting prerequisites), and yields a masters-level degree.   In my experience, the intensity, depth and breadth of the training is substantially less than that in medical school and residency, and the lack of standardized post-graduate training for MLPs requires significant on-the-job learning for new graduates. 

The consequence of the more superficial education of MLPs is that they are usually required to function within a narrowly defined scope of practice.   In an ER, that may be limited to minor traumatic injuries and other simple complaints.   I have known PAs who were highly specialized as vascular or neurosurgery assistants; their understanding of their field far exceeded my own, but they functioned as extenders of their supervising docs and bore limited independent responsibility.   For an MLP, knowing your scope of practice and staying within it is essential.  (The same principle applies to physicians, I might add, although our scope is comparatively expansive.)

How are MLPs utilized in ERs?   This is highly dependent on local and institutional issues and on the experience and comfort level that a department may have with MLPs.   The most restrictive environments require the PA to present all cases to a doc and require the doc to see the patient as well -- in essence, this has the PA function like a resident physician.   In other cases, the PA just has to present the patient, with the doc electing to see or not see them as they feel is indicated.  Some EDs just have the docs review and co-sign all the PA charts, and others have a QA process by which a random sample of the PA charts are reviewed retrospectively.  The more autonomously the MLPs operate, the more efficient it is, but that must be balanced by how well the scope of practice is adhered to and how much risk there is that a MLP might get in over his or her head with an unexpectedly complex patient.  In a well- run ER, there is ample opportunity (and no disincentive) for MLPs to consult with or transfer care to a physician, as needed.   My opinion is that with experienced MLPs and a carefully selected patient population, it is possible to safely run a fast track with completely independent MLPs.

Why are MLPs staffing ERs at all?  The primary reason is economic, though , there is a shortage of qualified EM physicians which also is an incentive for ERs to hire MLPs if their patient demographics make sense.  But the main reason is economic.   Consider a PA working a site where the volume is not terribly high -- 2.5 patients per hour.  Fast Track acuity typically translates to an average value of about 2.5 RVU per patient.   So the PA is bringing in 6.25 RVU/hour, which at a conservative $40/RVU collection rate is $250/hour.   Subtract $50 for expenses and pay the PA $60/hour, and the remaining $140/hour is profit for the employer.    Incentivize your MLPs so they are a little faster, and your profit margin only goes up.   This is an effective subsidy to the physician income base, one of the few refuges available in an era of shrinking reimbursement.

Speaking of reimbursement, how does that work for MLPs?  That depends entirely on the internal policies of each individual patient's payer.   When a PA sees a patient, it is coded with the ICD-9 and CPT codes based on their documentation, just like when a doctor sees a patient.   However, some payers do and some do not issue provider ID numbers to PAs.     Medicare and most governmental payers do issue provider IDs to PAs, and if the PA is the sole provider listed on the billing form, will reduce the allowable fee by 15%.   Most commercial payers, in my experience, also credential PAs, and pay at the same rate that they do for physician services, although some may apply a random reduction in the allowable (read your contracts!) between 5-20%.   Medicare will pay an E/M code at the physician rate if it is a shared service, meaning that there must be documentation that the physician had (at a minimum) a face-to-face interaction with the patient.  However, procedure codes, from lacerations up to and including Critical Care, may not be shared services and will be paid at the rate of the provider who actually performed the procedure.   Thus if you think you can improve reimbursement by documenting that you supervised a PA's laceration repair, think again!

If the payer does not allow a charge to be billed in the PA's name, then the charge will be issued in the name of the supervising physician with the PA listed in the second position on the billing form (this will be ignored by the payer, but is necessary for internal record-keeping).   Usually these get paid at 100% of the allowable.

Scalpel made a strange argument that MLP services should be at a steep discount from physician rates.  While this would be a great way to eradicate MLPs from the health care landscape, I don't see much validity to this.   A service provided is a service provided, and the worth of the service, performed competently, does not vary according to the credentials of the individual who provides it.   A laceration repair is not worth more to the patient if the doc does it.   A chest tube pays the same whether the surgeon or I put it in.   Scalpel and I get paid the same though I am AEBM certified and he, apparently, is not.   As far as I can tell, the only rationale behind the 15% holdback from CMS for MLP services is, "Because we can."

What about the vicarious liability implications of using MLPs in the ED?  Obviously, there is always liability, but it is generally low.   MLPs are under-represented in ED med-mal cases, and given the lower acuity of the patients they see, that makes sense, as does the fact that in most cases the dollar amount at stake is low.   If you as the supervising physician never saw the patient, then you can seek to have your name dropped from the case due to absence of doctor-patient relationship.   You may be on the hook for negligent supervision, but that is more commonly directed at your mutual employer.   There are occasional cases in which a doctor who never saw the patient is found to have some responsibility, but that is more typically in cases where something else happened (an unlicensed PA, or falsification of the chart).  In my experience (fortunately quite limited) it is fairly uncommon for the doc to even be named, if they never laid eyes on the patient.

What's the big picture?   Scalpel thinks we should "Just Say No to Fast Tracks," and he's partly right.   There is a significant added expense when minor ailments are treated in the ER (which is to say that Fast Tracks are profit centers for physicians and hospitals).  Given that cognitive services are undercompensated relative to the real work and risk that go into them, it is essential for ER groups to retain the simple cases to cross-subsidize the work on the complex, sick patients.   Also, given the ongoing collapse of primary care, it is becoming progressively more difficult for patients to receive care for acute illnesses and injuries at their doctors' offices, and the ER is an attractive one-stop-shop for patients.   You can be in and out in a well-run Fast Track in 90 minutes.   The macro-economic climate ensures that the customer demand is there, and we do nobody any favors by refusing to meet that demand.    
In an ideal world, when primary care physicians are well-paid and plentiful, perhaps that demand will cease to exist and the patients will all go back to outpatient centers.   Or, more likely, CMS will cut reimbursement for Type B ED services (aka Fast Track) and hospitals will no longer have an incentive to grow that service line.   From a queuing theory perspective, Fast Tracks (and the MLPs that run them) are essential to clearing out the lower rungs of the acuity ladder.   It's short-sighted and vindictive to insist that less-urgent patients must wait until the truly sick have been seen.   Run a good fast track, and everybody gets seen faster.

My personal opinion is that while I have nothing against PAs, in an ideal world, I would not employ them.   It makes the management of a group more difficult to have two different classes of providers at different wage scales, and there is an inevitable tension between the two groups which I find is not conductive to good morale.   The economic argument, however, is very compelling, and the decrease in income were we to change to an all-physician model would be painful indeed.   Besides, we are not building an organization from a clean sheet of paper; we have had PAs for a couple of decades, they are good friends and colleagues who deliver good care, and their place in our organization is quite secure.