
Star Rating Screwup; Booze Study Canned; Sexist Docs Settle

— The past week in healthcare investigations


Welcome to another edition of Investigative Roundup, corralling some of the latest investigative content from around the web so you don't have to. Of course, 鶹ý has its own investigative resources, and we always welcome tips. Reach out if you know of something that needs a closer look.

Oops! CMS Screwed Up Hospital Star Ratings

Chicago's Rush University Medical Center took a closer look at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' hospital star ratings system and found that the numbers have been wrong since they were first launched in 2016, .

Instead of evenly weighing all the measures, the researchers found, CMS was improperly weighting one measure over others. "PSI-90 was weighted 1,010 times stronger than the catheter-associated urinary tract infections measure, 81 times stronger than the C. difficile infection rates measure, 51 times stronger than the central line-associated bloodstream infection rates measure and 20 times stronger than the surgical site infection rate measure," the story says.

Star ratings, of course, aren't merely for the beancounters. They can influence where patients go to get treated and are also used by payers in negotiating contracts.

VA's Secret Nursing Home Ratings

I guess it was a big week for rating news. In a joint investigation, the Boston Globe and USA Today found that the VA has been secretly evaluating its nursing homes in a ranking system that it kept hidden from the public. Nearly half of nursing homes , the newspapers found.

Moreover, VA nursing homes were found to be worse than non-VA facilities on a variety of measures. While just 5% of patients in regular nursing homes reported pain the past 5 days, one-third of patients in VA hospitals reported that to be the case. Less than 2% of patients in regular nursing homes had a catheter left in their bladder; in VA hospitals the number was 12%.

$500k Settlements Over NYC Hospitals' 'Sexist Sickos'

New York City's hospital system paid accusing two of its physicians of fondling or ogling other medical professionals and making crude remarks.

Even in introducing himself, anesthesiology director Alberto Velasco, MD, would sneak in sexist comments, according to the allegations. "I'm Velasco -- the V is for Vagina" he would say. Other women on staff had complained about Velasco as far back as 2008.

Another settlement came over the actions of Hussein Matari, MD, who badgered a physician assistant for selfies and asked if she had work done on her breasts, the New York Daily News reports.

NIH Cans Controversial Quid Pro Quo Drinking Study

Last but not least, we have a scoop from our friends over at STAT News. An was shut down after concerns about how NIH officials went about securing financing.

Officials told industry backers that the study "represented a unique opportunity to show that moderate alcohol consumption is safe and lowers risk of common diseases." They also indicated that it could result in alcohol being recommended as part of a healthy diet.

A task force appointed to review the situation determined that such techniques "cast doubt" on whether the study would even be believable.

'Deeply Sorry' About Nassar, Then Not So Much

The documenting Michigan State University's response this past April to the bombshell that sports physician Larry Nassar, DO, had sexually abused hundreds of women. A first draft, the Chronicle found, was openly apologetic. At 3 p.m on April 13, the message was going to be, "We are deeply sorry for all that she and the other survivors have suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar."

Less than 2 hours later, John M. Engler, the university's interim president, was less contrite. Instead, he focused on the allegations of one victim. "Our memories and interpretations of the March 28 meeting are different than hers ... I am sorry if anything said during the meeting was misunderstood."

Engler has been criticized for his lack of sensitivity on the issue, and was even accused of trying to pay off one former gymnast to stay quiet.