
Psoriasis: A Peer-to-Peer Perspective


Video: Surgery in Patients with Psoriasis Taking Biologics

—Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, of Wake Forest School of Medicine, typically wouldn't have his psoriasis patients discontinue biologics prior to surgery. Here's why. (1:11)


Psoriasis in Adolescents Takes a Toll on Mental Health
Investigators used Danish data to determine whether adolescents with psoriasis experience worse mental health than those without psoriasis.
Psoriasis and Air Pollution: Are They Related?
Investigators drew upon the UK Biobank to assess the impact of air pollution exposure on incident psoriasis.
Patients with Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases Need “Urgent” CV and HTN Management
A new systematic review and meta-analysis provides more-detailed information on the greater risk for hypertension and cardiovascular events among patients with inflammatory autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmune Disease Has a Wide-ranging, Complex Impact on Work Productivity
A cross-sectional study compared work productivity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis/spondyloarthritis and found that even patients in remission or with mild disease activity report some burden of presenteeism, work productivity loss, or activity impairment.
Fostering Accountability in Patients with Psoriasis
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, of Wake Forest School of Medicine, describes the steps he takes to ensure his patients' trust in his care. "It even starts before they see me," he says. (3:35)
Switching Biologics: The Details
Steven Feldman, MD, PhD, of Wake Forest School of Medicine, doesn't wait when switching between biologics in his psoriasis patients. Here's why. (1:00)